Deep Sensing

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Guided meditations by Lara Zilibowitz, with original music by Benny Holloway

Take a moment to thank yourself for this gift, the gift of slowing down in a fast world.

Through these six audio recordings of embodied meditation, guided visualisation and yoga, paired with tailored transcendental musical soundtracks, you’re invited to rest and digest the richness of your interior.

Featuring six guided journeys including Restorative Body Scan, Before Bed Surrender, Metta Meditation, Morning Yoga Yawn, Yin Remedy and Art of Being Enquiry, it’s time to cosy up and fold inside.

To wrap yourself in the loving embrace of your own awareness with an attitude of endless awe, intrigue, curiosity and compassion.

Touching the thoughts as they come, holding the images, tending to the feelings.

Allowing experience to be exactly as it is, at deeper and deeper levels of awareness.


Yoga Nidra for the Soul – 32 mins
Before Bed Surrender -18 mins
Metta Meditation – 14 mins
Morning Yoga Yawn – 40 mins
Yin Remedy – 40 mins
Art of Being Enquiry – 25 mins