Body Poetry Practices for Rewilding

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Body Poetry Practices for Rewilding

Price: US $77
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This series is a dedication to the intuitive wisdom within YOU
The emphasis of each class is about returning to your original, free, undomesticated nature.

To empower you to reconnect with your sensual self, which is your birthright, allowing you to find passion, purpose and pleasure through your home yoga practice. With the aid of art, ritual and music to deepen this investigation.

The series comprises 6 classes in total, including slow-vinyasa flow, somatics and free-form experimentation, deep yin marination and an expressive and playful life drawing tutorial.

The classes are filmed inside a beautifully restored place of prayer and accompanied by Benny Holloway’s spontaneous and unique soundscapes.


Yoga is a return to naturalness, not a means to cage us further.  It is about remembering our natural, original ways, before the layers of doing, pushing and obligation clouded over who we are.

Inspire Yourself
This class is an invitation for passionate communion with soul, and to feel the inner inspiration born with every breath. The emphasis is much less about getting any of the shapes ‘right’ and instead allowing yourself to get drunk on your inner elixir, and high on your own essence, inviting you to be endlessly surprised and delighted by your body poetry as we yawn through a delicious series of side-openers.

Whole Body Floss
The focus of this slow-mo squiggly spine sequence is to unstick the decay and plaque clinging to the inner pathways, to open up the channels of flow and freedom in body and mind.

Move What You Feel
Who are you when no one is watching?
How does your body want to move when you’re alone?

Sensitisation & Relaxation – Yin Yoga & Live Music
More than anything, this class is a call to deep curiosity – the purest form of self-love there is – as we nest and take rest in a series of introspective forward folds and heart openers.

Body Mind Heart ~ Life Drawing Class
This class is an invitation to feel the nexus between yoga and art, meditation and creativity, as we move through a series of simple and liberating life drawing exercises.